5th March 2022 - 3rd April 2022
Private View: Friday 4th March
17:30 – 19:30 All welcome!
Robert Baggaley
“Landscape is my primary source imagery, generally, a landscape with which I have had a connection, and have various levels of familiarity with. Landscape which shows its evidence of manipulation by humans for all the obvious reasons, religious, defensive, economic, or aesthetic, formal landscapes / gardens, industrial remains, all show a history of change, with each successive event partially concealing previous states. My understanding of what I observe is from both physical and social examination of the traces left in the ground, whether through simple observation, drawing, photography, or archaeological / historical research we build histories of places and overlay it with our own experience.”
Linda Crane
“Primitive forms of sculpture interest me. Especially the Maya sculpture reliefs of the Maya Queen at the British Museum..
The bloodletting ritual she does puts her into a psychic state to communicate with dead ancestors in order to make decisions.
Communication with and regard for our ancestors are a vital part of life.”
“The paintings of interior and exterior scenes are about things felt with great intensity. In fact these things felt with great intensity exist outside the mind..
I don’t have ideas or inspiration for working. I use for my work what happens to me or experiences.”
Bob Devereux came to St.Ives in 1965 and visited the Penwith Gallery. The paintings he saw there influenced his decision to leave his advertising agency in Kingston and pursue his interest in abstraction.
Alongside his career as an artist, poet and educator, he ran the Salthouse Gallery from 1980 until 2010 exhibiting the work of many fine artists who shared his vision. That vision is reflected in the small group of paintings he is exhibiting in the gallery in this, his 82nd year.