27th July 2019 - 24th August 2019
Group exhibition from Sue Davis, Lesley Harry and Jane Smith.
Private View: Friday 26th July, 17:30 – 19:30
All welcome to attend!
What are the Echoes inspiring the new work of Sue Davis, Lesley Harry and Jane Smith?
Visitors to the ‘Echoes’ exhibition of paintings, original prints, glass and ceramic from 27th July to 24th August at the Penwith Studio Gallery in St Ives will be encouraged to make the links within and between each artist’s work.
Lesley Harry
Printmaker Lesley Harry’s work often explores scale, negative and positive space and the tension between spontaneity and control. Her new Echoes print series has been inspired by a range of mark making experiments, including graphite rock rubbings at Prussia Cove, and abstract ink drawings.
Sue Davis
Sue Davis always has echoes in her work as she continues experimenting from her last creation. Although not working from actual landscapes there are suggestions that have been gleaned from the place the three artists live in. The work is varied mixed media, and strays from painting into constructions of multiple layers and textures…..evoking mysterious pictures that pose as many questions as they answer.
Jane Smith
Jane Smith continues to push the boundaries of the possibilities of combining glass and ceramic. Her highly collectable sculptural pieces are heavily influenced by the Cornish landscape whilst the unique black and white bowls on show work well individually, or combined as a series.