6th July 2020 - 23rd August 2020
David Moore ‘Now as Then’
A title for an exhibition (if one is needed) was in my case a reflection of the painting years executed over 30 years. From Stoke-on-Trent to the South West of Cornwall. I have included a few relevant paintings of past evidence, of a search for the feeling I experience in painting a landscape or any other subject.
— The title hence is Now as Then.
Artist Statement:
‘Although my early development in art was essentially one of design, for as long as I can remember painting and drawing was an activity in which I felt more interested. A fascination with the history of painters and their work began at adolescence, and the opportunity to produce work was encouraged at my first Art College through the discipline of life classes and my own expeditions in outdoor sketching and painting.
St. Ives became very important in this aspect; I first visited in 1963 when I drew images of Porthmeor and the harbour. I revisited St. Ives throughout the subsequent years, and now reside in the town.
My art work is still somehow connected to the idea of landscape, although a strong impulse towards the plasticity and aesthetic quality of oil paint can dominate in the actual process, producing a more emotionally charged result. Essentially abstract, my paintings record experiences of how texture and balance, depth of field, and colour have become the prime motive in my work.’