17th May 2024 - 15th June 2024
Preview: Friday 17th May 17:30 onwards, all welcome!
Iona Sanders’ latest series of paintings explore the energy and life in the mundane, the ordinary, and the stress that comes with everyday domesticity.
Based on a series of sketches made over the course of one non-extraordinary day from her home in Lelant, Iona describes the day in question:
“Nothing special happened: did some washing, did the dishes, answered some WhatsApp messages, did some emails, walked the dog… my home is fairly colourful, my daughters make fabulous models and my daily dog walk is amazing. I think it’s mindfulness that allows you to see beauty in the little things, the things that are under your nose, and I am happy to share my response to this.”
Iona’s work has a strong composition, with the emphasis on line and colour. Her highly adept use of colour-balancing muted tones with brilliant primaries saturates her work with a warm vibrancy even when a cool palette dominates. There is a bold naivety to her paintings – rarely have such quiet pictorial scenes of domesticity fizzed with such energy.